Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) of SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule organized series of webinar on various themes related innovation, entrepreneurship and IPR. Kindly find the attached posters of the webinars and link for the registration. Register and attend all webinars through the online mode. The link of online meeting will be shared with registered participants in due course of time. E-certificates will be provided to all the participants those who attend the webinar.
1.Registration link for “Institution’s Innovation Council Formation or Upgradation (of Existing Council) at Institute Level” collaboration with Civil Engineering Department dated on 13.01.2021 at 3pm. This is an IIC calendar activity in this webinar speakers (Dr.Mahesh Gadekar & Dr.Shrikant Randhavane) will focus on how startup and innovation related existing cell upgraded to institute council with roles and responsibilities of various coordinators in the institute council established to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and IPR related activities.
- Registration link for “Orientation session by innovation ambassadors” in collaboration with Electrical Engineering Department dated on 20.01.2021 at 11am. This is also an IIC calendar activity especially arranged for all teaching and non-teaching staff of the institute where speakers (Dr.N.R.Joshi & Prof.Sandeep Ushkewar) will discuss about the roles and responsibilities of innovation ambassadors and process to become an innovation ambassador of MHRD Ministry of Innovation Council (MIC). The maximum number of teaching and non-teaching staff members are expected to become innovation ambassadors in upcoming AY 2021-2022. In the view of that this webinar plays an important role.
- Registration link for“First Step Towards Innovation“ in collaboration with Computer Engineering Department dated on 16.01.2021 at 12.30pm. This is a self-driven activity, Guest speaker Dr. Sitendra Tamrakar Associate Professor, CSE Dept. from Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College,Hydrabad. He will mainly focus on how to start innovation not only in computer engineering but also in day-to-day professional life. Be a part of this webinar.
- Registration link for“Expert Session on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)“ in collaboration with department of Information Technology dated on 23.01.2021 at 3pm. Mr. Swapnil Sanap Registered Patent Agent (India). This is self-driven activity in which registered participants will get idea about how to file the patent & IPR from the expert who is registered patent agent of India. Let us explore in this emerging trend by registering ourselves for this webinar.
- Registration link for “My story – Motivation session by Successful Entrepreneur” in collaboration with department of first year engineering
dated on 12.01.2021 at 12.30pm. Er. Sangram Limaye, MD Sangramsiddhi Pvt. Ltd., He tell us about his story that will be motivation for us which will help to promote our students to become successful entrepreneur.
- Registration link for“Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) Pyramid and general management “ in collaboration with Mechanical Engineering Department dated on 17.01.2021 (Sunday) at IST 1.30pm. Guest speaker Mr. Devendra Burade Incharge-Plant operations from GP Global TZ Ltd Tanzania. As a speaker will deliver webinar from Tanzania on our strongly request. All teaching & non-teaching staff members are requested to register & attend this webinar. It is scheduled on sunday afternoon as per time slot provided by guest speaker.