About SVKM :
SVKM Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) , Mumbai is already a Brand Name in education scenario. It is a Public Charitable Trust & Society. It is in existence for over 80 years, born in 1934 with adoption of a school which started in 1921. Over the past 80 years, the Mandal has developed a large educational complex in Vile Parle, in Suburban Mumbai and has spread its wings to metro cities like, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Navi Mumbai etc., SVKM today is proud of some of the finest educational institutes in the country like NMIMS deemed to be University, N.M. College of Commerce and Economics, Mithibai College, D.J.

Sanghvi College of Engineering, Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic – to name a few. It has also in its family schools from Nursery to Secondary, Jr.College providing ICSE or IB, IGCSE curriculum or CBSE curriculum. With a strong vision and passion for being the pioneers of the modern education system, all SVKM institutes are state of the art, with ever expanding facilities and infrastructure. From its beginning with the Swadeshi Movement, the Mandal has now grown into an educational foundation promoting global thinking consistent with national interest and promoting the values, professionalism, social sensitivity and dynamic entrepreneurship.