Message from Head of Department (Information Technology)

It gives me immense pleasure to lead the Department of Information Technology (IT). It is an exciting time for IT professionals as this discipline has now been universally recognized as an undoubted source of tools and techniques for advancements of all other disciplines.

The very motto of our department is to provide quality education. The department focuses on the development of undergraduate students for productive careers in academia, industry, and government agencies by providing an excellent environment in teaching, learning, and research. To serve the needs of industry, government, and society, we are looking at the well-rounded development of our students in collaboration with our academic knowledge partners. We develop strong partnerships with industries and government agencies, professional societies, and local communities. We also train our students to face the challenges in life by providing many value-added courses to enhance their career prospects. The excellent infrastructure, teaching faculty of the best kind ensuring quality education through Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is our key aspect.  Briefly, the department is working in the direction of shaping up the students to make them globally competent technocrats and responsible civilians of our country.

I wish all the students a great academic career and welcome you all to SVKM’s IoT, Dhule.

Thank you for visit !